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A long horror game. Playtime ~40 minutes.

My playthrough:


My thoughts on the game:

  • Very frustrating. You spend 15-20 minutes getting lots of progress just for it all to be erased by something you can't control.
  • Escaping the ghost is nearly impossible without any objects around. It is quite unfair as you never know where the ghost is.
  • The ghost doesn't make any noises, which adds to the unfairness.
  • The game isn't very congratulating on completing it. Unfortunately.
  • The game doesn't explain the most important thing in the game. How to avoid the ghost.
  • There is no indication that the gate gets unlocked, and it doesn't make much sense that it does as the first reason was the lack of power, yet the generators are still not functional when the gate can be opened.
  • As frustrating as it may be the game was fairly nice to play. 
  • I wish there was sound design in general, the game is dead silent.

Overall, though frustrating, I enjoyed my experience. It was definitely scary.

How the heck do I pick up stuff?!


hi! This game scared the crap out of us both times!

Thanks for playing the game! I've made an update which fixes most of your issues :)